Friday 14 September 2012

Childhood nostalgia

Top of the 80s

Yes I'm a child of the 80s.  Here are a few of my happy 80s memories:

Holly Hobby

My very favorite 80s toy (and yes I still have him!! and he works!!).  I called him "Gormen" because I couldn't say glow worm.

Colourful Slinkys
Strawberry Shortcake
Cabbage Patch Kid
Pound Puppies
[Images: best of the 80s]
My little pony is back!  My little neighbor has one... hope for the next generation!  I love these guys!  [Image: mama you talk]

Lisa Frank stickers... I still have some!  [Image: ruby bows]Pinned Image[Image: pinterest][Image: little jenny wren blogspot]
 Popples [Image: ghost of the doll] [Image (below): wishbook web] Check out this site for all kinds of vintage catalogs!  Although this is not the Sears catalog (below) my brothers and I always LOVED to pour over the toy section as soon as the Sears wishbook came out.
1984.xx.xx Montgomery Ward Christmas Catalog P001